Brand Factory School to Cool Exchange Offer
Terms & Conditions:
A) School to Cool Campaign:
1) School to Cool Promo/Campaign is valid from 6th July to 15th July 2018
2) Customer will need to get the following articles for Xchange & in lieu of exchanged articles customer will be handed over a Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)
3) Exchange articles applicable
· School Uniform
· School Shoes
· School Bags
· College Uniforms
· College Blazers
· College Uniform Shirts & Trousers (White / Light colors)
· College Bagpacks
4) Value for old merchandise will be provided in the form of Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV).
5) Customer can exchange either 1 or all 4 articles to avail Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)
6) Each customer to get 1 Combo Exchange Voucher Set ( all 4 combo offers) irrespective of 1 or 4 articles submitted/ exchanged
7) Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) can be redeemed only on the category of merchandise mentioned on it.
8) Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) is valid between 6th July to 15th July 2018
9) Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) shall be redeemed in full as per the combo & applicable brands. Partial redemption is not allowed under the said period
10) Brands participation in the promo is limited. Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) can be redeemed only on select brands
11) Old/Unbranded School merchandise needs to be submitted at the exchange Kiosk. No bulk merchandise to be exchanged is allowed. Offer valid only for Retail customers
12) Customer can avail combo offers as per his buying preferences. All 4 combo redemption is also allowed
13) No old merchandise can be reclaimed once Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) is issued
14) Participation in the School to Cool Promo/Campaign is purely voluntary and not binding to the customers
15) Exceptions brands / categories list will be applicable for the combo offer
16) In case of any disputes, the decision of Brand Factory will be final and binding. Litigation, if any, is subject to jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai
17) By participating in the School to Cool Promo/Campaign, customer agrees to remain bound by the terms and conditions of the promo as modified from time to time by Brand Factory in its sole discretion
18) School to Cool Promo/Campaign promo is brought to the customer solely on the basis of the concentrated efforts of Brand Factory and in the event of non-happening of the promo for reasons beyond anybody's control or due to the act of God, Force Majeure conditions: Brand Factory shall not be liable, responsible to any claims for this promo
19) Non Participating stores - Surat, Bhuj & Aurangabad
Q 1: What is the Campaign period for School to Cool Campaign?
A: 6th July to 15th July 2018
Q 2: Will I get cash on my old merchandise?
A: Value for old merchandise will be provided only in the form of Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)
Q 3 : The offer is valid on what products?
A: Offers are valid as per 4 Combo’s as mentioned in the Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV). Customer needs to shop as per the combo offer only to avail the combo
Q 4: Is the offer valid on everything in store? Are there any exceptions ?
A: No – the offer is not valid on all categories in the store & there are exceptions.
Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) has clearly mentioned the combo deals price points that customer needs to avail to qualify for the offer
Q 5: Can I use my Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) on anything in the store?
A: No, “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” can be redeemed only on the combo offer merchandise mentioned on it. For eg. To avail the Combo offer of Rs. 1499, customer has to compulsorily shop for Denim upto Rs 2499 + Any T-shirt Rs.999
Q 6: Can I redeem the “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) whenever i want to?
A: No, “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” is valid between 6th July to 15th July 2018
Q 7: Where do I submit my old/unbranded clothes? OR Where will I get the “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” in exchange of my old/unbranded clothes?
A: Old/Unbranded clothes needs to be submitted at the Exchange Kiosk. OR You will get the “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” at the Exchange Kiosk.
Q 8: How many merchandise can I exchange at a time?
A: There are no limits to exchanging merchandise, however bulk exchange is not allowed.(Only Retail exchange allowed)
Q 9: Can I get my damaged/torned/soiled merchandise?
A: The old merchandise should not be dirty, soiled or torn.
Q 10: How many “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” will I get on the old/unbranded merchandise?
· Single “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) Set (All the 4 offers” will be issued against each customer
· Customer needs to submit minimum 1 old merchandise to get the combo set. Even if the customer gets 4 old merchandise for exchange, he will be given only 1 “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) Set (All the 4 offers)
Q 11: Can I club 2 “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)” to purchase 1 merchandise?
A: No interchange of the Combo offers to be applicable in the system. Customer needs to buy the qualifying brands/ price to avail the combo. Incase the customer doesn’t want to avail the combo, configured discount price in the system will be billed.
Q 12: Can I reclaim my old/unbranded merchandise?
A: No old merchandise can be reclaimed once “Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) “offers is issued
Q 13: What is the role of the Head Cashier in this overall campaign?
A : Very Important role :
1. : Head cashier to handover the Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) quota to the “Exchange Kiosk” during the store opening hrs (Store can define the number of vouchers to be issued per day)
2. “Exchange Kiosk” to maintain the list of merchandise vis-vis the Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) issued – To be supervised by the head cashier
3. End of the day Head cashier to tally with “Exchange Kiosk” merchandise with issuance of Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) + overall redemptions
4. Proper daily tracker to be maintained and end of the campaign – Zonal commercial to send a report to the HO operations team
Q 14: Who will fix the commercials with Exchange Vendors, Exchange products & do the audit?
A: Zonal business operations along with City commercials
Q 15: For Exchanged products,, what is the Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) ?
A: These are combo vouchers which will be issued as per the Exchange products submitted. The cashiers will need to use this during billing to pass the discount benefits to customers. Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV) is as per above combo list mentioned for Exchange value and applicable on select products. CEXV will be printed locally.
Q 16: Which are non-participating stores?
A. Non Participating stores - Surat, Bhuj & Aurangabad (New Stores in New Cities)
Q 17: Any specific Shoe brand that is part of School to Cool Campaign exclusively?
A. Only Spunk Brand is part of the promo with Price point of upto Rs. 2999. Same is mentioned on the Combo Exchange Voucher (CEXV)
Q 18: Combo of Rs.999 is very tempting. Which are the brands participating here ?
A. This combo is valid on FLF brands only (Eg: Bare Denim, Buffalo, UMM, Umbro & more)
Q 19: Which are the brands part of Backpacks Combo of Rs. 599 ?
A. Safari, Aristocat, Pronto